Support uticuse rugby

Available Boards: $10 and $25 (per square)

Game Date: February 9, 2024

Payment Method: Venmo @UticuseRugby

How It Works: The “ones place” of the score at the end of each quarter determines the winner. The numbers and name placements will be randomized before the game.

For example, if the score at the end of the 1st quarter is Team 1 with 10 points and Team 2 with 8 points, then the square with “0” for Team 1 and “8” for Team 2 wins!


$10 Board

  • End of Quarter Score (1st through 3rd) = $100 each quarter

  • Final Score = $200

$25 Board

  • End of Quarter Score (1st through 3rd) = $250 each quarter

  • Final Score = $500